وحدة قارئ بطاقات تردد الراديو IC وحدة إلكترونية RFID S50 الحث بدون تلامس UART

تردد العمل: 13.56 ميجا هرتز (أو 125 كيلو)
جهد العمل: DC5V أو DC3.3V
استهلاك الطاقة: 30 مللي أمبير (تيار مستمر 5 فولت)
واجهة الإخراج: UART TTL، RS232، ويجاند
مسافة قراءة البطاقة: 0-80 ملم
معيار البروتوكول: ISO14443A
معدل النقل: 9600 بت/ثانية (الحد الأقصى قابل للتعديل إلى 230400 بت/ثانية)
حجم الوحدة: 62 مم × 30 مم
أنواع البطاقات المدعومة: S50/S70، M1، Mifare Light، Mifare Ultra Light، إلخ.

Antenna Integrated Design
Can communicate directly with RS232 devices
Compatible with UART, Wiegand interface
The module is equipped with MCU and RS232 chip, which can work independently, and can directly output TTL 232 level, no need to add MCU control, no need to add UART interface to 232 chip, which can reduce the cost and develop products faster.

Serial port settings
Open the "Serial Port Debugging Assistant" in the file package, and the serial port settings are as follows:
Baud rate: 9600
Check digit: None
Data bits: 8
stop bit: 1
Tick Hex Display
When the wiring is correct, swipe the IC card, and the type and serial number of the IC card will be output through the serial port, as shown in the figure

IC radio frequency card reader module RFID electronic module S50 contactless induction UART

IC radio frequency card reader module RFID electronic module S50 contactless induction UART2

Instructions for using
Connect the DC5V power supply to the module
Test with an M1 type card
When shipping, a terminal connection line + a white card will be provided for testing
When the card is close: the red indicator light is always on, and the card serial number-related instructions are sent through the serial port;
After the card leaves: the red indicator light goes out, and an instruction to leave the card is sent through the serial port.


Scan the qr codeclose
the qr code